The past 2 weeks have been pretty great. My rotations were shelter medicine and small animal internal medicine. For shelter med, I basically acted as a surgical assistant for sterilization clinics. Our school has a mobile surgical unit that allows us to go to surrounding shelters and offer low cost spay and neuters. I was actually allowed to perform a few kitten neuters. It was amazing.

Last week I was on internal medicine where I was paired with a 4th year and got to see ultrasounds, radiographs, slide staining, barium series tests, fine needle aspirates of masses and livers, and a whole lot more. It was a very busy week and I learned a lot more than I could have hoped. We had a patient with an unexplained fever (still not sure what it was but it spontaneously resolved), a patient with non-regenerative anemia in which we performed a bone marrow biopsy and cytology, a patient with diabetes complicated by diabetic ketoacidosis, and so much more.

This week I am on my dentistry rotation and it is only day one but I have already practiced simple extractions and surgical extractions on a canine tooth and the 1st and 2nd premolar.

In the wildlife clinic I have been helping take care of our red-tailed hawk (yes the same one as before that we have had all school year but it is in the works to be transferred to a zoo) and a turkey vulture. Let me tell you a thing or two about turkey vultures, they are messy and smell god-awful. The turkey vulture was transferred to the IRC today to finish rehabilitating with the ultimate goal of release back into the wild.

In non-school related news, I had an interview today for a job as an on-call emergency surgical assistant. Which is at the veterinary teaching hospital so I suppose technically it is school related except it’s a job and not a class. I feel like it went well but we shall see. 4 people interviewed and 3 positions are open so my chances are good. If I could get this job I will be a happy camper. It is only 2 on-call shifts from 6pm-6am so it would not interfere with my classes or my studying but still provides me with some sort of income.

Long story short, vet school is the hardest thing I have ever done but I am loving it.

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