Gotta Be A Little Crazy

I ‘crashed’ a prospective students tour with my man today in order to get a better look at the vet med facilities since my interview day tour was a clusterf***. I’m not sure if this has increased my excitement or if it made me even more nervous! At least now my man can sort of have an image in his mind when I am talking about my classes. Now that I have typed this out a little bit I think I actually am more excited.

I also went a little crazy and signed up to run a 5K. Sure it is only 3.4 miles but I am so out of shape I might just die. I did tell myself that I was going to work out to decompress after classes and tone-up a little so I guess this is going to be my kick-start. It should be fun since I am on a team with some other vet students.

Count Down

11 days until my man moves out ( =/ )

18 days until Orientation

25 days until my first day


I have agreed to go on a bar crawl… If you knew me this would be some wildly crazy, Twilight Zone, news. I’m not very good in social situations with people that I don’t know and I have been to a bar 3, maybe 4 times. I just figured that this would be a good way to socialize with some of my vet school peers.  Oh boy.

The Wait

So I know that I just posted yesterday and, if I am being honest with myself, nothing has changed since then. But dear lord, the wait is awful. Some of the students I have friended on facebook keep posting count-downs to orientation and the start of classes and half of the time I’m thinking wow 23 days is so far away, that count can’t possibly be right and the rest of the time I am thinking OH DEAR LORD ONLY 23 DAYS?! I AM NOT PREPARED! I am going to try to do something today to distract myself so I’m probably going to try to tackle sanding and painting the wooden trim in the house. We also reduced the rent by $100 in a desperate attempt to find a roommate because 3 tenants are better than 2. Unfortunately we started advertising the rental late in the game so it has been difficult trying to find someone. I think it is working though because there has been some movement in that front and I have set up 2 more showings.

Wish me luck!

Time Flies


When you’re younger people always tell you to enjoy growing up because it’ll be over before you know it. Then you are told to enjoy your time in high school and then college because, once again, it’ll be over before you know it. And you are sitting there, giving them a blank stare, and thinking to yourself that they are crazy. Time CRAWLS! You just can’t wait for it to be over. It’s interesting that while you are experiencing it, time seems to never pass, but when you look back it flew by. Who would have ever guessed that those crazy adults were right. Time really does fly. I never thought that I was going to grow up (albeit I am still working on this part), that I was going to get out of high school, that I was going to graduate from college. It all took too long and went by too fast.

I can’t believe that I am about to say this but.. I AM GOING TO VET SCHOOL. Wow. It is so crazy to think that I have finally achieved this. I wish I had some great story to tell about finding out that I was accepted into vet school, that I laughed and cried and screamed and ran around my neighborhood telling all my friends. The truth is, I was sick as a dog when I got the call from the first school to accept me. They called, introduced themselves, said with great pleasure that I was being offered admissions, I said thank you, and passed back out into my NyQuil induced slumber. Not very glamorous. Then I was accepted to my in-state school via snail-mail (which is awful, I wish they would change it to e-acceptances and then send out a hard copy later) which was awesome and I wasn’t sick for this acceptance but I already knew that I was going to vet school so it wasn’t quite as exciting but still exciting nonetheless. The rest of the school year and into the summer I would have random moments where I would actually realize that I got into vet school and my chest would get tight and I would tear up a little bit. I plan to live up to the stereotype of overly-excited, enthusiastic, and giddy little first year that I hear the other years fondly tease that soon the courses will beat us down. But honestly, how else are we supposed to make it through the first year of grueling anatomy if we don’t go into it like the stereotype?

So fast forward to today, the end of July. I really need to figure out my internet/WiFi situation ASAP. I have a relatively high speed but I think my router/modem thing may be out of date because gosh is it slow. I wish I wasn’t so dependent on the internet but let’s be honest, who isn’t these days, but I digress. Beginning of summer me decided that taking the summer off of work would be perfect and will provide me with much needed relaxation time. I was wrong. I am SO broke right now. Luckily I don’t have to pay rent this summer as my lovely family, who owns rental properties, purchased a house for me near the school and my awesome man is living with me to keep me company and relieve me of some financial stress. So I have spent the first part of the summer fixing up the house and I am now at the point of stressing about finding another renter. At first I was told that two people paying rent (myself and my man) would be fine but ideally they would like 3 tenants and the tenant search is not going well. I guess we will just have to see how this goes.