Sloths & Manatees, Vertebral Outcasts

Fun fact time!

It is a rule of thumb that nearly all mammals have the same number of cervical vertebrae (7) regardless if it is a giraffe, mouse, or human. However, sloths and manatees are the exception to this rule.

Two-toed sloths have 5-7


Three-toed sloths have 8-9


Manatees have 6


Alright, back to studying!

Year 1 Part 2

Tomorrow marks the first day of the spring semester. Last semester was one quarter in classes and the other quarter in clinical rotations. This semester however, is two straight quarters in classes until summer break. 4 quizzes, 2 midterms, and 2 finals left until my first year is officially complete and I will be 1/4 of a doctor. It is all still very exciting to be honest. My classes for this quarter are histology and the lab, gross anatomy and the lab, physiology, neurobiology, clinical correlations, intro to food supply medicine, and equine medicine and husbandry.

So, updates on everything. I STILL can’t say anything about the bobcat that is in our care right now as it is still with us for recovery form it’s surgery. I can tell you that it is healing well and we are hoping to send her to a rehab soon. I also ended up getting a job. Yup. I told myself that I wasn’t going to get a job during the school year while I was in vet school but my workaholic-side kicked in sooner than expected and I caved. BUT, I got a job as an emergency on-call surgical assistant. Basically, I am on-call one evening during the week and one shift during the weekend (Each shift is 12 hours). So it really isn’t that big of a commitment and it will help me network with the small animal surgery people, my technical skills, and my general anatomy/surgery skills. I applied for the summer student job program with Banfield and was offered an interview that is happening tomorrow. I am on the fence about doing this program because I’ve heard good and bad things about it depending on the location, so we’ll see.