So far this quarter has proven to be very challenging. We have been learning cardiovascular, respiratory, and GI physiology. The midterm had twice as many lectures for physio than our normal exams usually would have and I can definitely say the physiology is my most challenging course. But, in a week and a half is my final and then I will be done with this quarter and on to the new stuff.

I can positively say that I know almost nothing about horses. I am taking a equine husbandry and medicine elective this quarter, affectionately dubbed ‘horse course’, and I am beginning to realize how little I know about these guys. It’s hard to believe that, by the end of my four years, I will need to know everything about every animal. I’ll definitely be taking more equine courses in the future.

Currently, I am struggling to find something to do over the summer. I have my job as a surgical assistant but that is only, at most, twice a week. I keep telling myself that I will be fine if I don’t have another job over the summer but it will be nice to make some spending money and possibly make enough so I don’t have to take out as much in loans for the next year. So far I have applied for a Banfield hospital vet assistant job/mentorship, a job on a local petting farm, an internship with the Wildlife Medical Clinic, and the summer research program with my college. I am really hoping I get the summer research as it pays pretty well and will really help me in the long run. I am considering apply to some more jobs just in case none of these pan out, but I might wait a little bit longer before I do that as a lot of businesses and such wait until last minute to put out job postings.

On an unrelated note, I have been noticing a lot of bullying between all four classes. On a day to day basis it really is rare, but when I think back from to it from day one, it feels like it is way more than it should be. I am trying my best to be as nice as I can be with my peers but I don’t feel like it is enough. I feel like I should be speaking out when I see it but I am just not very confrontational and I don’t want to put a target on my back. I’m also positive that they will just say that they are only having some fun and that so-and-so doesn’t care. And they probably really believe that because on the surface they aren’t saying anything that bad, but I know the person on the receiving end isn’t comfortable.

Also… I am going to Colorado over Spring Break! I am so friggin’ excited! Colorado is my dream state. The plan is to stay in multiple cities over the break to go snowboarding, hiking, and visit the Denver Zoo. I cannot wait.

4 thoughts on “Year 1.3

  1. I’m in the same boat as you looking for summer opportunities. I’ve been applying everywhere and have yet to secure something. But, I’m being optimistic and keeping my eyes open – scanning the job listings and whatnot. As far as bullying, that is unacceptable. If you do not feel comfortable standing up to these people – please seek an advisor or mentor who can address the issue. We’re adults and this type of behavior shouldn’t be happening. If you need anyone to talk to, I’m here!


    1. I completely agree, I have spoken up in defense for someone a couple times. One of our classmates missed an important day of class and I overheard a group of students saying how she didn’t deserve to be in vet school and that she took the place of someone that did deserve it and I basically said that we are all here because we deserve to be here and we can’t really know what is going on in their life so we shouldn’t judge. Turns out she had driven a friend to the emergency room the night before, was there all night with her, and couldn’t stay awake for the day. I also recently e-mail our class rep asking if he could send out a reminder about respect and professionalism. I think everyone is just so wound-up and stressed that they end up saying kind of rude things.

      I hope you find something for this summer!


    1. So far it looks like I’ll just be working as the on-call Surgical Assistant. A lot of the issues with jobs around here is they want someone that will stay on when the summer ends which I won’t be doing.


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